Window IV 78 - 92
The correct choice of the window machinery and proper preparation of the window design in cooperation with a tool manufacturer is the basic factor of future production success. Our team with technical knowledge and long-time practical experience can offer tailor made solutions for your business.
Based on decades of practical experience we have improved the window system IV78 -92, reflecting the requirements of architects, investors and subsequently manufacturers of windows. The main reason for updating of window design is satisfying in 92 mm thickness conditions for installation in low energy buildings and passive houses.
In particular, the maximum constriction of sash and frame profiles reduces the participation of wood in the total area of windows and maximizes the space of glazing. This solution is also to avoid ingress of moisture inside of the windows and solve the overall airtightness system, which is reviewed Blower Door test of the building envelope. The new design also includes installation of windows in buildings using means for sealing the connecting joint.

Simulation IV92 acc ISO 10077/2 and 10077/1 - value of frame Uf=0,94
and with aluminium waterbar Uf=1,10 W/m2°K
Uw = 0,89 W/m2°K with Ug= 0,7 W/m2°K with TGI/Termix spacers (soft wood)
The set of tools for windows IV78 and 92 is optimized for tenoning (or doweling) with easy adjustability without any disassembly of tooling sets. The design of internal and external profiles allows knock down method of production and also traditional procedure. Types of tenons are ready for the combination opening sashes and fixed glazing in one frame and a special profiling of the inside of the frame, then neat fixed glazing directly into the frame.
Toolset can be used as a basis for windows IV68 with 13 mm axis fittings and in particular for double rebated entrance doors to complement window system for low energy and passive houses.
The tools are intended for tenoning and profiling machines, as well as the spindle moulders; CNC tool then the machining by CNC routers.

Technical features
- Glazing rebate 21x22 mm for higher surface temperature of the glazing using isulation tape or directly siliconed.
- The maximum offset of the first seal from the outer contours of the window using the trapezoidal shaped frame rebate to improve the drain of water.
- Ability to use profiling frame as a credible alternative where aluminum profile Spree is not acceptable.
- Hardware rebate for keeps 30x12 mm (optional 24 mm) with the possibility of extension to 35 mm in width of 92 mm for heavy-duty concealed hinges. Hardware axis is 13 mm.
- Internal overlap of height 20 mm to prevent infiltration of interior moisture into the window profile room.
- Use two identical gaskets 5x12 mm for interior and central rebate and sealing of slave profile by flag seal with endcaps. To increase resistance can still add third seal the outer frame rebate.
- Ventilation holes of glazing space are cut by tenoning tools on an area of 52 mm2.
- Optimizing of the outside part of the frame for installation and sealing in buildings.

For further information and detailed drawings please contact us.