WIZARD machining centre
The WIZARD machining centre comprises two independent machines, one tenoning and one profiling. The machine can be controlled as an integrated working centre or as two standalone machines by an industrial PC running specialised control software with an operator interacting with the machine via a touch screen panel. The capacity of the machine is about 30-40 one leaf windows per shift using the traditional technique of outside milling of sashes. The WIZARD 4L machine can produce about 60 knock-down windows using the left working spindle for milling from both sides.
The WIZARD machining centre is produced in three types.
Wizard 4L

The Wizard 4L model, with its unique configuration, enables pre-squaring production. The tenoning operation is carried out by spindles long enough to accommodate all types of tenoning tool. SOUKUP's unique tenoning cycle tenons and mills the outer shape of the timber end in a time-efficient manner. The duality of the left and right profiling spindles ensures what is essential on this system - precision. As only one single machine operation is involved, the process is incredibly fast and precise. All units are driven by high-speed brushless motors and the long gear feeder guarantees smooth surface finishes.

Second tenoning spindle as a possible option and bottom horizontal milling unit used for the horn on double-hung sliding sashes
Wizard 3S

Wizard 3S is an industrial machine intended for traditional manufacturing with stormproofing of glued sashes and frames. The profiling part has only spindles on the righthand side, but all the other features of the Wizard series remain the same.

Wizard 2L
The Wizard 2L is the latest development of the Wizard series designed for windows and especially doors manufacturers, where the compact economic machine is required. The both-side profiling is the way how to produce windows and doors components efficiently with a limited budget.